Sunday, September 2, 2007

Word of Mouth Worthy:

Jackie Huba’s post on Church of the Customer Blog offers insight that can easily be utilized in any restaurant setting.

“A rogue pilot at stodgy United Airlines is creating his own, word-of-mouth-worthy experience for fliers…I just treat everyone like it's the first flight they've ever flown," the very smart captain told the WSJ in a highly valuable front-page story. "The customer deserves a good travel experience."

Treating everyone like it is their first visit to your restaurant is a wonderfully simple idea. Restaurateurs and their staff always seem to do a little extra if they know that the guest has not visited before and is unfamiliar with the menu or the location. Why not treat every visit with that kind of positive energy. The guest will certainly recognize it and they will make your restaurant Word of Mouth Worthy!