Thursday, September 6, 2007

Ready Fire Aim:

Business Plans are wonderful tools. Sometimes they become crutches. Entrepreneurs can always find a reason to delay, adjust, refine, or redirect a project, however the most important aspect of business is motion. Do something, get started today.

Tim Berry’s post on a Business Plan Addict details how over planning can lead you astray. Then he lays out a workable strategy.

  1. “If you're in the startup mode and working on business planning, don't suspend business life until the plan is done (because it never is) or until you're financed. If it's a good idea, get going. Keep working the plan. If you need to get financed, keep at it, but take small steps in the meantime.
  2. If you're working on a startup, take my advice and think about cinder block offices and such in the more economical locations. If your business isn't about receiving clients or customers, wait for the luxuries until after you have more revenue than costs and expenses.
  3. Sorry, this one is so obvious, but as your business rises in the world, make sure you bring along the people who got you there.”

Tim also mentions how some people are serial Business Planners, not serial entrepreneurs. Nothing happens without motion, motion can only occur if there is friction.

Ready Fire Aim!