Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New Years Ritual:

Tom Peters’ has a suggestion on how you should spend New Years Eve Day,

“I spent eight or nine straight hours one New Year's Eve on my office phone. I called close to 100 people I worked with…to thank them for their help in the prior year. In addition to enjoying the chats, … I admit that I was purposefully engaging in an ADRE ... Act of Deliberate Relationship Enhancement.

While I fully buy "If you aren't sincere, it won't work," I nonetheless urge you to develop some similar ritual. Moreover, I urge you to do it in the next couple of weeks!”

Creating customer advocacy is about engaging the customer and doing so at a personal level. Restaurateurs have the ability to positively impact that advocacy by making phone calls to your best customers, vendors, even employee’s and thanking them for being the reason for the achievements during the last year.

Go ahead pick up the phone and start a New Years’ Ritual!