Thursday, February 19, 2009

Innovating by doing something totally different.

Bill Buxton’s article makes several salient points about unbridled pursuit.

Always be bad at something that you are passionate about.

By this, I really mean two things: always be a beginner at something, and always be in love with what you are beginning.

Why? The latter keeps a fire in your heart and soul, and the former keeps you grounded. The more expert you are in your "day job," the more important such grounding is. Additionally, the further such new beginnings are from your core expertise, the more likely it is that they will feed that expertise in some unexpected way in the future.

We live at a time where we hear repeated calls for the need for creativity and innovation. What better way to cultivate the full potential of our creativity than by sustaining the passion, curiosity, delight, energy, and enthusiasm of the beginner, coupled with the wisdom and experience of the expert?

Innovation comes from unlikely sources at times. Position yourself to be available when the muse arrives by placing yourself in situations you have not been in previously.