Sunday, March 14, 2010

Engage the customer

I always feel that newbies act like Claude Rains in Casablanca when he utters, "I am shocked that there is gambling going on here." Entrepreneurs spend huge amounts of money opening a restaurant or any business for that matter, and then they forget to engage the customers they hope will frequent and fund the enterprise.

I understand that some people are not naturally extrovert and feel uncomfortable talking to or engaging the customer. Folks that is the business model you have chosen to undertake. You must engage the customer. Slapping a product on a plate and letting it go is not sustainable in it of itself. It needs a little engagement to nurture the process.

Hey talk to the customer. Tell them story, ask them about themselves and invite them back. Hey we are all afraid. The customer is afraid, the proprietor is afraid and the staff is afraid. Time to break the fear with a little engagement