Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Stress Straw:

“the straw that broke the camel's back” is the oft quoted phrase to describe when the accumulation of factors is sufficient to cause action. In the normal course of life there are events that occur that are totally insignificant, minor annoyances along the path. However, when the perfect storm of these little insignificant events rises to the level of the final straw, the pressure becomes unbearable and action occurs.

Human beings are instinctive creatures under stress. We respond because evolution has equip us with a vast arsenal of survival mechanisms which are fine in the jungle, however leave much to be desired in the workplace or the home. The only advantage that we have is the prefrontal cortex, the reasoning portion of the brain. When circumstances overwhelm our reasoning and we are about to lose it, envision the “Stress Straw”. Focus on that last straw about to break the camel’s back are realize it is an accumulation and not the event that caused the problem.

Breathe! Relax!, you are now free to roam about your restaurant.