Sunday, August 5, 2007

Specialization of Labor:

Specialization of Labor is the key to your productivity and happiness.

Entrepreneurs as a group have this notion that they can do everything themselves. It is possible that one or two can, the rest however need help, “that’s OK”. The biggest contribution to the expansion of business, standard of living in the world, and the historical march from the agrarian societies of ten thousand years ago to the present is the concept of specialization of labor.

What is it? You are a wiz with a spatula, however, the Quickbooks software on your computer is foreign. Aromatic scents waffle through your kitchen, however your electrical skills max out a turning on the kitchen wall switch for the light. You get the idea, you will not be able to master everything, culinary skills, marketing, management, accounting, legal issues, infrastructure issues etc.

Jim Collins in the book “Good To Great” ascribes to the notion that “you must get the right people on the bus “, to accomplish your goals. Bringing people in that enhance your restaurant and lead it to greatness is the magic of specialization. By specializing people are able to do what they want with passion. Passion makes people more productive. Yes, you could learn that Quickbooks software, however will that create customer advocacy, by utilizing your time in the best possible fashion? No, you would be much better off hiring someone to do the things that currently you do not have a skill set in. Focus your energy on the areas where you have passion. This helps to create customer advocacy.

Specialization of Labor is a powerful concept, use it everyday.