The market research firm found that nearly two-thirds of prepared foods sold at retail come from traditional supermarkets, but there are advantages that restaurants can leverage to prevent further erosion in their takeout-meal market share from what NPD calls food stores.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Cravings and fun
The market research firm found that nearly two-thirds of prepared foods sold at retail come from traditional supermarkets, but there are advantages that restaurants can leverage to prevent further erosion in their takeout-meal market share from what NPD calls food stores.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Reinvent yourself.
- Love, love, love your restaurant idea … all aspects of it: menu, design, culture, location(s). You’ll need this passion to get you through the difficult times emotionally and physically.
- Quickly gather feedback directly from customers and staff members to adapt your concept; thoughtfully migrate it to optimal, to the bull’s-eye.
- Keep it fresh. Continue to reinvent yourself within your unique brand/culture. You must stand for something that’s also important to your customers. Stay true to that, but continue to get better and better at it.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Gone to the dogs
From coast to coast, an ever-growing number of eating establishments, many of them high-end, are opening their patios to diners who want to share their eating-out experience with their pets.
Using T to unlock creativity.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The dark side of no reservation.
There are reasons restaurants take reservations and reasons restaurants don't accept reservations. When his company conducts surveys on the topic, said Scott Jampol, senior director of consumer marketing for the online reservation service OpenTable, "diners overwhelming tell us" the ability to make reservations are important to them. Indeed, when I spoke to Davina Baum, managing editor of, she said she prefers "the security of a reservation to waiting past an hour, until I'm no longer hungry." Then again, talk to high-end restaurants that don't take reservations and managers say the cost of Open Table — which can charge a restaurant thousands of dollars a month — and reservationist salaries are reasons for a no-reservation policy.
The spark of passion requires work.
Passion is what drives us forward in life. Without it, we feel empty and cold. With it, we feel energized and full of fire. Too often, we make the mistake of thinking that passion just appears. For a lucky few, it does. For the rest of us, we have to create sparks and fan them, gently and over time, until they burst into powerful, glorious flames.
Quick decision making
Somebody dust off the Tequila
What is the context of the decision?
Alexander Stein shares that you need to consider the context of a decision,
Every decision is situationally distinct, with its own unique sets of ingredients, parameters, and ramifications. There’s no shortage of pundits bloviating on the golden rules of being (or appearing) decisive and vivisecting leaders who are not. But static generalized guidelines about how to be a leader who makes excellent decisions are usually situationally useless. Good decision-making is a learned, entirely individualistic process. Knowing more about how you operate is part of every successful business owner’s job.
Timing and context can change everything. Ed was treating his executive activities as if his life literally depended on it. At one time in his life, that was true in its own way. But no longer. Even supremely unflappable people can become psychologically disoriented in highly charged moments, and your usual capabilities can slip. So take your time. Agility and decisiveness aren’t in opposition to being thoughtful and deliberative.
Sometimes, the most important part of a good decision is understanding what’s driving you to make it.
Worrying about the weather
There has been considerable consternation about the weather because we are in the middle of summer and many a street fair, wedding or other social gathering has been planned around outdoor activity. All the consternation has been for naught because the weather has been perfect.
The point I am dancing around is that the best available information is not a guarantee of an event occurring. At times one must be as a child and enjoy whatever comes along on a sunny summer day without worry.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Staying positive in the face of doubts.
Staying positive is not about putting on a fake smile or believing you can do it all yourself. Rather it’s about being optimistic and living with hope and having faith. The measure of our success will not be determined by how we act during the great times in our life but rather by how we think and respond to the challenges of our most difficult moments.
Seth relates
Do you have an elevator pitch that reminds you that you're a struggling fraud, certain to be caught and destined to fail? Are you marketing a perspective and an attitude of generosity? When you talk to yourself, what do you say? Is anyone listening?
You've learned through experience that frequency works. That minds can be changed. That powerful stories have impact.
I guess, then, the challenge is to use those very same tools on yourself.
Stay positive!
Facial recognition coming to your restaurant
Mark Cuban talks about possible next steps in location based apps.
Even more interesting is the fact that Facebook provides a database of 500mm people and their names from around world. While not all profile pictures are going to be valid in facial recognition software, most will. Few people exclude their basic name and picture information from public search, so FB could be the first to provide a database of names and faces to the commercial world of facial recognition.
This application has a lot of commercial uses however, I personally would not like to frequent a bar that recognizes me when I come via facial recognition software.
The handshake test works
In the service industry, most employees spend the majority of their time responding and reacting to things said, done and requested unexpectedly by people they don’t know. Thus, responding enthusiastically, affirmatively and with a smile to an interviewer that an applicant doesn’t know is a key indication of how they’ll most likely act as an employee when faced with a similar experience with a guest. This simple test, which is hard to fake (not unlike a blush), screens for the things that we can’t teach — that smile and attitude has to come with someone to the interview and the job.
A gathering of angel investors
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Face down into the sand
The ride continues.
Staycation destination.
Is your restaurant a destination that can offer a brief respite from the woes of everyday existence? There is a growing market for staycation destinations.
Rapid, clear, frequent feedback
- Rapid, clear, frequent feedback. This is absolutely central to all forms of learning and engagement. With many of the most intractable problems in the world today, like global warming and pollution, it can be almost impossible to learn or understand something when consequences and feedback are distant from causes. Showing a clear link between things, and allowing people to experience this experimentally, allows learning to take place: you need to be shown and to experience exactly how an action plays out, what it caused, whether your attempt worked or not.
- Uncertainty. This is the real neurological gold mine so far as gaming is concerned. Dopamine elevates when you get a little prize for doing something, but what really lights up the brain is the unexpected reward: the one that couldn’t be predicted. The right amount of well-calibrated uncertainty can create intense engagement.
The cost of a pickle.
Did that speaker cost the store millions in lost sales? Who knows? But there’s little doubt the story lodged in the brains of those who listened to it. I didn’t even know the guy, and I still remember the story many years later. I’m sure he had lots of great information about how good companies take care of their customers, and impressive statistics that demonstrate the effects of good service. But what’s the ONLY thing I remember? The pickle story! Likely I would have remembered the name of the supermarket chain, but it wasn’t one that served my area; I’m sure many of those who heard the story first-hand DID remember the name and stored it as an essential part of that story.
We know that stories CAN sell in part because they make our brains light up in sympathy with what we are hearing, and that anecdotes are more powerful than statistics. The pickle story is a great example of a story that will persist in the minds of those who hear it and affect the perception of the unfortunate merchant for years to come. The only luck that merchant had was that the event occurred before the advent of social media, so they were shared the indignity of being blasted on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
All failures are not equal
FAIL OFTEN: Ideas that challenge the status quo. Proposals. Brainstorms. Concepts that open doors.
FAIL FREQUENTLY: Prototypes. Spreadsheets. Sample ads and copy.
FAIL OCCASIONALLY: Working mockups. Playtesting sessions. Board meetings.
FAIL RARELY: Interactions with small groups of actual users and customers.
FAIL NEVER: Keeping promises to your constituents.
Living your brand message
John Kindle relates several stories about the preparation for a presentation. The message will be meaningless unless you live your message.
It is certainly not easy to live your brand message every minute, however in this viral video connected world it is the only option.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Apply layer after layer to your work.
Specialists from the Center for Research and Restoration of the Museums of France found that da Vinci painted up to 30 layers of paint on his works to meet his standards of subtlety. Added up, all the layers are less than 40 micrometers, or about half the thickness of a human hair, researcher Philippe Walter said Friday.
The technique, called "sfumato," allowed da Vinci to give outlines and contours a hazy quality and create an illusion of depth and shadow. His use of the technique is well-known, but scientific study on it has been limited because tests often required samples from the paintings.
Cupcakes, another trend with frosting
“One segment of the industry that seems to be adding the most outlets is cupcake cafes. This could be a fad, or not,” Barbara Byrne Denham, chief economist at real-estate services firm Eastern Consolidated, wrote in a report Thursday.
Cupcake businesses big and small seem to back up Denham’s position. (Call it buttercream economics.)
From New York-based national chains like CRUMBS Bake Shop to small start-ups like Butch Bakery in Long Island City, the cupcake industry seems to be recession-proof. A cupcake truck that launched this year and Sprinkles Cupcakes, a popular West Coast chain, opens its first New York location later this year.
In the East Village, cupcake-centric bakery Butter Lane has grown from six to 20 employees in the past year and a half, said Pam Nelson, the owner.
“People still want a cupcake,” said Nelson. “I think it’s kind of an indulgence and the price point is still low. For three dollars people can buy something for themselves instead of spending 100 bucks on a dinner and still feel like they’re treating themselves.”
Friday, July 16, 2010
Food Ambassador in Chief
Why is the New York Times doing a food story about Chicago's mayor? Anyway regardless of your political leanings, "The Mayor" is truly the city biggest cheerleader.
On Tuesday, he joined about 50 chefs from many of the city’s fanciest restaurants at a news conference to promote the third annual Chicago Gourmet event, which will be held Sept. 25 and 26 at Millennium Park, a sort of Taste of Chicago for connoisseurs. Admission to the event, which attracted 3,000 people last year, is $150 a person.
“These chefs, to me, represent the creative class of society,” Mr. Daley said. “We have to realize how important they are to the city.”
The mayor clearly shares the theory, expounded in Richard Florida’s 2002 book “The Rise of the Creative Class,” that cities must attract people whose livelihoods involve imagination and innovation.
The culinary convention, Mr. Daley said, fits well with the city’s strategy of promoting itself as a destination for those seeking fine food and wine.
Reposition the Cinnamon Roll
Cinnabon a very delicious concept is facing a decline in traffic problem because it is positioned inside of shopping malls.
“What’s happening specifically in the malls is traffic is going down and we need to increase the amount of customers who stop in front of our stores,” Bales said. “We need to do that by reinventing the brand over the next three years; that’s what we’re working on now.”
The initiatives at Cinnabon, which is a division of Focus Brands Restaurant Group, are currently being tested or are going into test at the company’s four corporate-owned stores
Keep them bigger burgers coming
And that's just the tip of the arugula. So-called "better burger" joints are one of the fastest-growing parts the restaurant industry. Celebrity chef Bobby Flay launched Bobby's Burger Palace in the Northeast. Elevation Burger is expanding into Kuwait. Mooyah Burgers & Fries, Meatheads and the Shake Shack are looking to expand.
Higher-grade beef, fresher or more creative toppings, and better buns are bringing customers in the door.
Finally an answer.
It's a question that has plagued man for centuries: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Well, scientists in England say they've found the answer: The chicken!
Researchers wrote in a recently published report that it all comes down to one protein - ovocledidin-17 - which helps in the formation of the egg's hard shell.
This essential ingredient in the formation of the egg can only be produced inside a chicken, scientists from universities in Sheffield and Warwick concluded.
Now we can all breath a little easier and concentrate on less weighty matters.
Test , Measure, Implement again and again
Brad Sugars recommends it as a secret to keeping the cash flow spigot on during every economic scenario;
Once you get your company up and running, you can expand on these strategies and also look to increase your value adds at different buying, sales or customer contact points along the way. The key is to test and measure what works and what doesn't, because no strategy will work perfectly for you every time.
If you market correctly and test and measure everything you do--keeping your winners and killing your losers--you will eventually find your cash flow "sweet spot." That will lead to larger profits, increased cash flow and a healthier, more successful business over time.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Early adopters also eat out more
Put a sock in it
Here is a little ditty from Barbara Peterson about seat to seat chatting on planes. Can restaurants be far behind?
For those who want to connect, few airlines can match Virgin America for mingling opportunities. In addition to its Internet service, it offers seat-to-seat messaging via its seatback video screens. It has also teamed up with to create a party atmosphere on specific flights (reportedly at least one couple who met this way became engaged). But there is also the potential for spurned advances and hurt feelings.
“Seat-to-seat chatting could lead to a negative form of social networking,” said Jeanne Martinet, a social commentator who writes the blog. “What if someone spots another passenger doing something annoying?” she asked. In the past, that person might have simply suffered in silence. Now, Ms. Martinet said, “It would be tempting to message them, ‘Can’t you get your big feet out of the aisle?’ ”
if you can sing you can sell.
Most people do tend to use prosody, particularly when talking to babies and pets who may understand the emotion more than the words. But, we vary in how much we use prosody in normal conversation. The researchers found that the subjects who used prosody most often in everyday speech showed the highest levels of activity in Broca’s area and also scored high on empathy measures.
It’s unlikely most of us would hire a salesperson who spoke in a flat monotone, but this work suggests that an individual with a melodic manner of speaking would likely be better able to identify with customers’ emotions. (Note that what the researchers measured wasn’t musical skill or ability to carry a tune, but rather the melodic inflections used in speech.)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
How important is attitude in hiring?
“Your attitude is the only difference between an ordeal and an adventure.” |
One is attitude. Some people spend a lot of time focusing on how difficult things are. You don’t get jobs like these unless the situations are difficult. So I like to hear people talk about how they love to approach a challenge, and that’s the thing that gets them excited.
I’m also looking for people who appreciate the fact that the definition of success is the company and not an individual. I’m looking for people who can communicate. I mean, quite frankly, most of the things that break down when you are running a business are transparency and communication. If you have people who are reluctant to share information with their peers, particularly in a very small company, it’s not a healthy dynamic.
And I look for people who generally, as I said earlier, think big, want to achieve big, aren’t afraid. They have that level of humility to know it’s entirely possible we may not succeed, but, man, it’s worth trying.
Hiring questions
What’s the most important qualification I should be looking for when hiring?
Attitude. If you get a weird feeling about someone’s attitude during the interview—when they should be on their best behavior—you don’t want to find out how that person might come off to your customers.
What’s the one interview question I should be asking?
“ Why did you leave your last job?” It gives a clear indication of what is important to them in an employer and in a job. It will also help you see if they’ll be a good fit for your concept.
How can I be a better boss to my employees?
Practice servant leadership. Get to know each employee and do what you can to help them maximize their potential and reach their goals. That involves asking for their opinions, which can lead to a lot of great ideas.
Competition comes from everywhere
It’s all about the now. Reputation and history are irrelevant. We’re in a fast moving world and your competition can and does come from anywhere. It’s about competing in today’s marketplace, not yesterday’s -– past performances are meaningless
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Is changing your hours of operation an option
Can you close some days and maybe offer cooking classes, special dinner parties or other use of your space without shuttering your business? Be open Thursday through Saturday for dinner only. Discontinue the lunch business entirely, the night business if your a QSR sandwich or breakfast place?
Prior to the Great Reset everyone was concerned with maximizing the rent per square foot by increasing top line revenue. Maybe just maybe reducing or redistributing top line revenue leads to a higher, sustainable bottom line which will fuel current survival and future growth?
So you want to lead.
- Accolades and hearty slaps on the back are uncommon responses to your best leadership efforts. In reality, the best moments of a leader are often celebrated in silence.
- Ambiguity, uncertainty and change are on the menu daily. As a leader, you’ll leave your comfort zone far behind, and you quickly discover that someone moves your cheese almost every day.
Back to intestinal fortitude (IF). IF is what kicks you out of bed everyday, knocks down your demons of self doubt, scoffs at ambiguity and gives you the confidence to fight the good fight, serving, developing and guiding others. IF helps you deal with ethical dilemmas, tough decisions and the sticky spots along the way. And finally, IF is what you draw upon to gain the courage and energy to persevere on what may often seem like a thankless task. It reminds you that this job has little to do with you and everything to do with the people around you.
6. Do you have the moral courage to stand tough and take the heat for your team during times of adversity? Leaders are made during tough times and by taking the unpopular path on difficult issues. If you don’t like the idea of being a human shield, it’s time to dust off those individual contributor skills.
Don’t get me wrong. The personal rewards from leading far outweigh the burdens. Nonetheless, without Intestinal Fortitude, you won’t last long enough to realize what a remarkable experience it is to serve and guide others.
It is not my birthday really
The study examined rituals that are embedded into sales and service practices, creating a virtually mandatory branding tool that seeks to deal businesses a unique drawing card but gives customers little chance to opt out.
Researchers analyzed how customers are swayed by the sights, sounds and other frills of those nearly inescapable business rituals, from at-the-table food preparation at Teppanyaki-style restaurants to eateries that serenade diners celebrating birthdays.
“Businesses should not just be on autopilot when they’re creating rituals,” she said. “They really need to understand the difference between optional and embedded, and the potential consequences of forcing customers to sit through certain rituals.”
Host a culinary vacation.
"Back in 2000, (a kitchen vacation) was a small niche market. Now it's not," says Olivia Townsend, owner of Epiculinary Distinctive Cooking Journeys. While women make up much of her clientele, she is seeing more interest among married duos, including "where the man initiates and drags the woman along."
Couples form the majority of cooking clientele at Trout Point, says co-owner and instructor Vaughn Perret, 51. Trout Point, in the upscale Relais & Châteaux chain, offers various culinary weekends spring through fall, when it closes for winter and two of the three owners move to Granada, Spain, to give courses.
"This year, there's been a spike in interest — almost all classes are filled," Perret says. "I think people are less dazzled with commercial (food)" and want to make their own.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
There is always someone seeing your business for the first time
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Chief Enabling Officers
How will I be a contribution today?
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The necessary traits to thrive
Top of the list for successful entrepreneurs is the ability to collaborate. Those who can delegate, build strong relationships with their management teams, employees, and others are more likely to click with customers.
The other five traits frequently found in flourishing small business owners:
• Being self fulfilled. Good small business owners put a high price on the fulfilment their companies provide them, relish being their own boss, and enjoy being in control of their personal income. They value "doing something for a living that I love to do," "being able to decide how much money I make," and "being able to have the satisfaction of creating something of value."
• Future-focused. Small business owners who thrive are good at both short- and long-term planning. They're as likely to have a well thought-out plan for the day-to-day running of the business as a road map for how to run the business for years.
• Curious. Good entrepreneurs are always reading and asking questions. They want to learn everything from why a particular business failed to how to find, motivate, and keep good employees.
• Tech-savvy. Perhaps not surprisingly, the best small business owners invest time and money on their company's website and are likely to "rely a great deal on technology to help make our business more effective and efficient." (For more on why social media is worth a company's time, check out this guide.)
• Action oriented. Successful founders are proactive and always "differentiating ourselves from our competitors," survey respondents said. They were less worried than other small business owners about the state of the economy, and more likely to look at adversity as "a kick in the rear to help you move forward."
The case for softer chairs and higher prices
Apparently, we don't have to touch things only with our hands to get a feel for something. Our posteriors are equally receptive to hard-soft messaging. Hence the chair experiment, in which subjects were asked to make offers on a car. The dealer would refuse the first offer and a second offer immediately followed.
Those sitting on hard chairs made lower second offers than those sitting on softer chairs.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Timeless lessons about talent acquisition.
The unofficial neighborhood firework index
Suppliers become banker of last resort if they can.
Sam's Club, a unit of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., said Tuesday it was testing a program to offer qualified members small-business loans in amounts ranging from $5,000 and $25,000. The service would be offered online through a partnership with Superior Financial Group
In its announcement, the retailer cited studies in which small businesses weren't able to get loans.
This guy knows how to make espresso.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Wine by any other price
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The power of an Idea
Ralph Waldo Emerson
234 years ago men who once served the Crown pledged their Lives, their Fortune and their sacred Honor to an idea "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,
The posterity of that Idea continues to this day and is a shining beacon to all who sail their vessels across the raging sea of uncertainty. Ideas are powerful beyond measure.
Taste of Americana: Hot Dogs on the Fourth of July

On the Northwest side of Chicago is Superdawg There is something about a hot dog on the Fourth of July under a hot summer sun.
The Fourth of July
business lesson of the Fourth of July
Declaration of Independence
Martina McBride singing God Bless America
Beyonce singing America the Beautiful
Happy Fourth of July
Saturday, July 3, 2010
How to respond to a no
It isn't what it is
Screw “it.” I loathe the word it. “It” is a personal responsibility dodger. If you don’t like it, change it. And remember what Tony Robbins says, “The only reason you don’t have what you really want is because of the story you keep telling yourself about why you can’t have it. Is it (really) what it is?
Clouds illusions.
Mikal Belicove gives us a primer on cloud computing
Exactly what does the server do?
I take great pride in my confidence and conviction in matters that are important to me. I use confidence as a leadership trait all the time. And I admit when I’m wrong as often as is necessary to make those two traits worth a damn.
Oh, and one last detail:
The halibut looked pretty, but my first bite had three bones in it, and it tasted a bit too fishy in their preparation. I would’ve given the guest the wrong advice. But I’d have meant it, and she’d have bought it. And if she complained, I’d tell her that I was clearly wrong, and offer her another meal. That’s what happens.
Confidence. Conviction. Practice them.
They can not resist what you put in front of them
Friday, July 2, 2010
What really happened to capitalism?
Hire the runner
If you choose to run a project, on the other hand, you're on the hook. It's an active engagement, bending the status quo to your will, ensuring that you ship.