Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Hope, New Promise, New Confidence

“He who blames others has a long way to go on his journey. He who blames himself is halfway there. He who blames no one has arrived.”

Chinese proverb

Today a transfer of power occurs that is nothing short of marvelous in the annals of human history. A peaceful transfer between the political party currently occupying the presidency to a member of the opposition. This particular transfer is even more remarkable because it occurs during a time of great economic upheaval. Franklin Roosevelt captured the essence of the economic depression with his “we have nothing to fear but fear itself” proclamation.

President Barack Obama assumes the presidency and brings with him a new hope, a new promise and a new confidence. What is particularly ambiguous about economics is that it is really not about supply and demand of physical goods. Economics is really about how people feel about the future. If people are confident about the future the economic engine hums along, if people are less than confident the same economic engine sputters. For far too long the citizens of this country and the world have felt less than confident about the global leadership. Today January 20, 2009 that changes.

A new day has dawned with hope, promise and a renewed confidence in a brighter future. Is your business prepared to seize the opportunities that are available?