Saturday, January 17, 2009


Ivana Taylor’s post “Top Small Business Marketing Trends of 2009” highlights:

AUTHENTICITY– In 2009, the focus is on “authenticity” and letting the real people behind your company be visible and show through — no more hiding behind a faceless website filled with the word “We.” Instead, it’s “I.” Consumers and B2B buyers expect to know who they are dealing with before hiring your company.

In the event of a problem with your products, consumers want a real person to reach out to… business people are connecting one-to-one through social media sites and this activity will continue.

How to take advantage of this trend:

  • Set up a social media presence in your real name on sites like, and interact with customers and prospects, mixing in personal information as well as business information.
  • Set up profiles and groups on Facebook and start recruiting customers to join.
  • Create at least one blog to keep customers educated either about your industry or your products and services.

The discretionary dollar of your customer is only going to restaurants that connect with them. Authenticity is the price of admission into your customer’s world.