Thursday, May 29, 2008

Grilled Pizza:

Pizza is nature’s most perfect food, here is an idea from The Washington Post on how to grill it.

“The real trick is, not surprisingly, the grilling itself. Once you start a baked pie cooking, the task is all but complete, but with a grilled pizza, that's when your real work commences. I sort my technique into three parts: sear, top and cook (covered).

The initial sear of the bare dough ensures that both sides of the crust get fine grill marks. You can't just throw a topped pizza onto the grill; the top would never cook through before the bottom started to burn. So you sear one side over a hot fire: a gas grill set to high, or a charcoal grill loaded with a two-zone system of glowing embers. Once the dough starts to bubble and puff and get good grill marks, it's time to flip and top.”