Thursday, July 19, 2007


The human brain according to the prevailing theories, developed advanced neural connections about fifty thousand years ago. One of many advantages that this brain offered was the ability to sense, interpret and quickly get out of the way of danger. Natural selection extrapolates that this brain becomes the dominant feature in our species. The human brain has a negative bias, it notices bad, scary or out of place people and events in the environment and quickly determines whether it should fight or take flight. The negative bias is so prevalent that in fMRI imagining, the brain neural connections light up like a Christmas Tree when exposed to anything that looks or sounds wrong. Conversely, positive situations under that same fMRI imagining hardly fire at all.

What does any of this have to do with a restaurant? Simple really, screw up once and the customer will forget the thousand of times you got it right. You need to work very hard to correct any issue your guests bring to you. Remember their brain is working against you. Reason will avail you not! To resolve the guests issue you must address their emotions, not their reasoning.

No pressure, no judgments!